• BioLumina Spirulina

    BioLumina Spirulina


    BioLumina Spirulina is Quantum Infused with specific energy patterns that promote and sustain optimal health and balance in the body systems. The energy patterns are specifically chosen to enhance well being on all levels and in all bodies, energetic as well as physical.




    Building Your body’s Immune System: While it is easy to become confused on the topic of which foods to choose, we can say without a doubt that the very best food you can put in your body is BioLumina/Spirulina. If you only make one change to your diet, adding BioLumina should be that change. Here is why it’s important and some suggestions of additional foods to add to your diet right now:




    • BioLumina/Spirulina, is the most nutritious food on the planet. It contains every vitamin/mineral known to support human health and takes only 3 days to grow to maturity, so it absorbs less radiation than any other food. It supports the body’s immune function, cleanses the body of toxins, protects the thyroid with low amounts of iodine, replaces minerals lost due to radiation exposure, cleans kidneys, restores optimal function and is shown to mitigate the effects to the kidneys of nuclear radiation exposure. Make BioLumina into a delicious smoothie with fruit and rice, hemp, almond or another healthy milk or juice.


    • Chlorella, another nutritious microalgae that is good for nourishing and removing heavy metals from the body.
    • Tulsi Tea (also known as Holy Basil, some Tulsi’s have rose essence or other substances added for extra flavor, known to protect from radiation exposure) 
    • Popcorn with Brewers Yeast & sprinkle of BioLumina/Spirulina
    • Organic non GMO Miso (known to support immune function, nourish the body & prevent the absorption of radiation)
    • Whole Grains such as rice, quinoa, millet, amaranth, barley etc. 
    • Beans such as pinto, black, navy, garbanzo, red, lentil etc.
    • Seeds such as sesame, sunflower, almond, cashew (these can also be made into milk), walnuts, hazelnuts etc.,. 
    • Sprouting Seeds/Beans alfalfa, radish, buckwheat, mung bean, clover, etc.,.
    • Underground vegetables such as Non-GMO Beets, carrots, turnips, parsnips, red potatoes, etc.,.
    • Use Filtered Water






    There are other protectants for the Immune System, we are only listing a few foods in this article.


    It is important to reduce or eliminate the following from your family’s diet:

    • Sugar in all forms, read the labels sugar is hidden in almost all processed and prepared foods!
    • Meats, fatty foods, milk, cheese and other forms of dairy
    • Soft Drinks
    • All processed foods since they contain GMO’d ingredients, weakening the immune system and possibly carrying high levels of radiation


    In addition to a physical Immune System, our body has other immune systems. Another very important one is the Spiritual Immune System. This is strengthened through following our soul’s inspired plan for our life as well as learning to live with non-judgment, grace and joy. No amount of “healthy foods” will make up for living an unhappy, unfulfilled life!



    Here are some other actions you can take that will be helpful to your children and your family in keeping your home free of contamination:


    • Remove your shoes prior to entering your home, they will carry radioactive materials in from the outdoors 
    • Keep a mat outside of your door and directly inside of your home, wiping your feet will reduce what is brought into the home by about 80%
    • Stay out of the rain unless you are protected from the rain. Rain brings radiation down from the upper atmosphere 
    • Shower first and then bathe using Baking Soda as it will cleanse your skin of radiation. Your skin is your body’s largest portal for radiation.
    • Change clothing upon entering your home If you have had extended time outside
    • Keep a towel or mat by the door if you have animals, clean their paws prior to them entering the home
    • If your pet is wet from rain, dry his/her hair prior to entering your home
    • Reduce the number of doors people/pets use to enter into the home




    You can enlist the support of your family by making this into a fun game!


    Spirulina - The Mother Of All Super Foods

    The multi-celled, fresh-water microalgae, Spirulina, is estimated to be 3.6 billion years old. As one of the oldest living organisms on Earth, Spirulina contains the wisdom of the ages and the genetic history of all life on earth. During these billions of years, Spirulina has evolved to thrive unlike any other life form on earth. Unique among all species on Earth, it does not compete with any other organism in order to survive. It simply lives where nothing else will live. Its consciousness has evolved beyond competition into a higher dimensional state. For thousands of years, indigenous peoples of Africa and the Americas have consumed Spirulina as a protein source and a means of elevating their consciousness. Through the work of early pioneers such as Dr. Hiroshi Nakamura of Japan, our mentor Dr. Christopher Hills of England and others, Spirulina has been brought to the attention of modern society.


    Biolumina Spirulina is the premier Spirulina on earth. Grown in the pristine California desert, it naturally contains 2 to 3 times as much of the healing pigment phycocyanin as any other brand. It is further enhanced by our proprietary Quantum Infusion process which adds healing energy patterns to the Spirulina. Quantum infusion represents the latest scientific research into what indigenous people understood for thousands of years. Working through the body’s Meridian system, it brings balance and healing on multiple levels. BioLumina is non-GMO, non-irradiated, high vibration nutrition! No other Spirulina even comes close! We invite you to experience the difference for yourself.

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